Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Story of the Triangle (Part 1) - by Bassett

Who is the Power Triangle?

What is the Power Triangle and how did it come into fruition? The story starts in the winter of 1998 when to keep from being bored at work and school Jeffrey M. Clark, Andy S. Burt, Matthew R. Sadler and Brian A. Bassett started emailing each other to pass time during the day. Jeff and Andy as the senior members of the triangle had already been out of school for a year, while the junior two, Brian and Matt were looking for jobs. Initially, Jeff and Andy were more easily able to contribute to ongoing conversations about life, sports, spirituality, sports, careers, sports, current events and sports. Even then in those days, Jeffery was known to rant and rave about sports, he didn't even know that the material was all around him, which he would eventually parlay into an excellent website.

What does the name mean?

The group went for a while with no name, but Jeff provided the name that would become more infamous and exclusive than "The Skull and Bones." Jeff's name "The Power Triangle" was a reference to the geographical dispersion of the group. Clarkie lived in Northern Virginia, Andy in Charlottesville, VA and Brian & Matt in Harrisonburg, VA. Much pressure was put on Matt and Brian to remain in the same town wherever apres-college took them, so that the name would remain the same. Matt and Brian did decide to relocate to Richmond, VA and thus the name has stayed. It is important to note that group members fear relocation by any party which might cause the group to be renamed to "The Power Rhombus" or "The Power Quadrilateral"

Why are they so damn exclusive?

Infrequently, the triangle will include others in an email thread due to some obscure insight that the outsider might have. Once the triangle gets whatever information or the desired response, the individual is quickly dropped from email correspondence so that the group remains as exclusionary as possible.

The Power Triangle is an organism unto itself, of course it exists in an environment with other entities, but it is a self-contained specimen. The Power Triangle has all the answers and resources it absolutely needs at its disposal, everything else is luxury. Therefore, the Triangle has no need of you, other than to seek its own ends. It is important to note that the Triangle plans to allow each member settle and mature in adulthood, each member separately seeking their own goals, but much like Voltron, will unite to seek its ends before this episode is over.

What bound this brethren inextricably together?

Believe it or not, it was one fateful evening the 21st of February of 1998. The four that had been in email contact decided to meet in Northern Virginia at Jeff's place for an evening of fun. As fate would have it, Matthew had been in Richmond that day on a job interview and Brian and Andy met in C-Ville to drive together. (This could have only happened thanks to JCC member Brad Gates, Brian's car had been hit the previous day by a gray-haired lady.) Around 8:00PM Andy and Brian arrived in NoVa and hung with Jeff Clark. Andy was excited about meeting a girl that there had been some email repartee, but no face to face interaction. As it turned out, the girl was salty and cantankerous and dubbed "Issues" for short. As the trio awaited the arrival of Sadler, Brian was forced to watch US Olympic figure skating and was trying to make conversation about it. "Issues" stung with insults and verbal abuse, and Brian withdrew from all skating conversation for the rest of the evening.

After watching Oksanna Bayul cry, the boys were then able to watch a comtemporary favorite: Swingers. During the movie, Matt finally showed up after getting severely lost in Richmond. Fresh from his job excitement and the trio fresh from watching the boys of Swingers attack dating without concern The boys decided to make a trip to Georgetown.

After wandering the streets, the boys decided to hit a watering hole known as "The Jazz Bar." After a lot of jostling Matt and Jeff found a table in the back whilst Andy and Brian attended to finding suitable beverages. In the process, they found an amazing barmaid with a shirt baring her midriff. Both noticed that she had an amazing stomach, and were hooked. After reuniting with the two at the table, they reported on the bartendress' midriff and thus it was decided.

"Brian, you are the only one who has a shot at getting her digits. That is your mission" Matt gravely intoned.

Brian laughed and mused. Then speaking over the din he said "I will do so, as long as I am not bound to your moral standards or juidgement."

With that the deal was made and Brian became the designated "drink-boy" for the group. Brian approached the bar and asked for a Becks Dark. "Funny," was the bartendress' reply "I am right in front of them now!" After handing over the money, and smiling Brian returned to the table.

"SO?!" The three gentlemen at the table asked

"So I am laying the groundwork." Brian replied

"That isn't good enough, you need to work it!" One shouted.

It wasn't long before another beverage was needed so again Brian made his way to the bar.

After ordering another Beck's Dark, Brian asked while paying for the beer "Is that the required uniform for the bar?" Referring to her shirt.

"It is the required uniform if you want to make tips." Responded the bartendress.

"It is a nice uniform, I am Brian"

"Thanks, we aim to please at the Jazz Bar, my name is _____" Archives

How cool is this?! Archives

(I can't believe how many times I changed the look of the front page. What a spaz!)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

the details are inconsequential

So I was talking with this Zoroastrian missionary and she was starting to make a lot of sense...

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


this place is dead anyway