Friday, February 18, 2005

Pop Up Comments

Testing comments option, now with pop up goodness.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Fresh and So Clean

The best thing about this site is that Matt is not listed as a contributor! I know for sure that the power triangle story is lost forever, but I will have to re-write it when I get a spare moment.

This is old, but I just got this in an email... pretty damn funny. You guys see this yet?

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Good ol Days

Remember when I could dunk like this?

Ok, so I could never dunk like that, but seriously, remember when I could dunk? I hate getting older.

First Impressions

My first impression of fellow Triangle-mates:

1. Matt - summer of 1993 - Met him at Lake Champion for YoungLife work crew. He was truly the playa with the world on his string. Ladies wanted to be with him and men wanted to be like him. I was scarred for life when he refused to be my roommate during freshman year in college.

2. Brian - fall of 1994 - Met him during freshman Invervarsity retreat. Without a doubt had the best head of hair I've ever seen. Most self-assured guy. It took me a month to muster the courage to say 'hello.' I figured that if I could just be in his presence, good things were bound to happen.

3. Jeff - spring of 1996 - Met him during an Intervarsity event where he was speaking. He was tall (still is). Completely in touch with his emotions. I wept during his reaccounting of his time on a mission trip. Loves the Celtics; I knew we would be buds.

Set It Off

I don't think there's a good or bad way to start a blog. I thought it would be good to retell the story of how we became a Power Triangle, but I'm too lazy to do that. If anyone has Bassett's old Part 1 that takes us right up to the point just before he gets shot down by the bartender, feel free to post it.

For my part, I promise not to post anything Celtics related (unless its meant to be a joke). I think I've got that topic covered elsewhere. However, I make no such promises on the rest of New England sports.